Weird yet funny.
It was funny and brought a smile to my face when the guys hand comes out with the middle finger up. Its just so much like Pokemon. Make some more and ill keep reviewing and givin fives. :D
Weird yet funny.
It was funny and brought a smile to my face when the guys hand comes out with the middle finger up. Its just so much like Pokemon. Make some more and ill keep reviewing and givin fives. :D
i thought it wuold be like a really long one but it was short...and also the credit music was cool i liked it
that was a col movie but the really funny thing was when the scary thing goes "aghhhhhhh *scary music"LOL BUT VERY GREAT SUBMISION!!!AND GREAT HUMER!10\10!!!!!
wow this was great
this was so frickin great but you can improve on the scenes going a little fastter and make it a little longer but over-all great movie
what the
that was probably the most retared kirby movie ive ever seen lol
wow kirbys face looks like a retarted mad cow i saw the matrix 3 and kirby looked way better!lol
XD it halarios
THIS ONE OF THE MOST FUNNYEST THINGS IVE EVER HEARD XD!!! but i know that you got this from japenise pokemon t.v.!but really good and i dont know how you can think of all of those weird phrases!i mean like "NOW WE CAN TICKLE RACOONS!10/10
Joined on 11/17/07